
On behalf of all ESOS members, welcome!

The Eastern Suburbs Orchid Society (ESOS) was established in the 1940s and has a long history of very keen members who are passionate about all aspects of orchid growing. The aim of ESOS is to promote, advance, develop and foster the culture, propagation, hybridisation and growing of orchids of all genera. Come and share the pleasure of growing orchids with us.

The Club conducts a monthly plant show and meeting on the 3rd Monday of every month, at 7.00pm at the Kensington Park Community Centre, Hall 1, 1 Day Ln Kensington from February to December each year.

Members grow a wide range of native and hybrid species, so there is always an abundant floral display. You will see flowering plants from all parts of the world grown by local members. Every meeting we have a presentation on a practical aspect of growing orchids, a potting demonstration or an information evening about the plants on show. There are experts with many years of growing experience available to answer your questions and to help resolve any queries. At meetings you can purchase seedling plants (at Club not retail prices), pots, sphagnum moss and other supplies as available. We have a number of ‘How to Grow’ sheets available, covering many genera. Come along and learn more about orchids, the most fascinating of plants.